Future Plans


Research by the Croydon Long-Term Conditions Community Outreach team shows that 23% of Croydon residents live with two or more Long-Term Conditions. When left untreated these conditions can lead to complications and hospitalisation, highlighting the importance of providing support within the community (Posted Wednesday, 23 March 2022).

As providers of treatment and rehabilitation services that are not normally offered by local authorities, Continuing Community Care specialise in hydrotherapy and physiotherapy.

These services improve a person’s mobility, strength and flexibility.  Aiding people wanting to stay within the comfort of their own homes, with their families and to help relieve the backlog of patients awaiting NHS support. The 6-week permitted treatment time within the NHS, post operation or injury, is too often not enough.

CCC provide further steps to help those in recovery and in need of rehabilitation, we specialise in helping people with long-term conditions and or chronic illnesses.

The charity was developed to bring a much-needed health facility to South East London.

Finding land will be the first step in building a fully accessible state-of-the-art rehabilitation centre which features a hydrotherapy pool 10mx8m, 6-person sauna room, 4-person jacuzzi, gym room, treatment room, meditation/recovery room, showers x 4, toileting area including a toileting area for disabled clients, changing rooms x8, ceiling hoist, office area and foyer and off-street parking with disabled bays.

Currently, the charity is making land inquiries around Croydon, in the hope of finding a future home for this worthwhile fledgling charity.

The design will prioritise accessibility. Wanting to provide support, so clients maintain their independence.

Establishing healthy and effective exercises within your everyday life can be difficult, CCC aids in providing real time treatment solutions, client specific exercise programmes and appropriate customer care.

This is the beginning of a long journey. We would like communities to work together to achieve the ultimate goal, a rehabilitation centre with a hydrotherapy pool serving, Croydon, Bromley and Sutton

In the upcoming months, CCC aims to transform the healthcare practices of Croydon, Bromley and Sutton Healthcare.

General charitable purposes

– The advancement of health

– Disability

– Children/young people

– Elderly/old people

– People with disabilities

– Provides services

– Provides advocacy/advice/information

– Other charitable activities