Continuing Community Care

Patient’s & Clients Tell Their Story

CCC came highly recommended via a friend (JH) who attended as part of her recovery post knee operation.  I have been regularly attending CCC since my assessment with the Physiotherapist on 7 March 2023. I wrote to you as I was in need of support following a Zumba related knee injury, Osteoarthritis and weight loss to alleviate some of the pain I suffer on a daily basis. Following assessment, I was given two laminated sheets of exercises to work on myself. Staff are happy to give advice, support and answer any queries regarding the sheets and exercise in a non-judgmental positive way.

Since starting I have benefited greatly from the regular 30-minute sessions. These are just enough for me. Sometimes I struggle to motivate myself to go out, but by the time I finish my work out, I am glad to have attended. There is always a positive atmosphere in the pool. I really enjoy most of the music. This may also affect how hard I work on my exercises.

The impact this type of therapy has had on me is that I am exercising at home a lot more. I am more regularly undertaking exercises that the NHS physiotherapist gave me. I am eating healthier and this has caused me to drop nearly 2 dress sizes!

The therapy I have received has also positively affected my mental health. I find myself being able to confidently handle anxiety when it arises and be more forward thinking.

I have had some setbacks over the last decade. A result of this is that I have taken on minimum wage work roles.  In this last month, I feel confident in myself to find more sustainable employment that is more aligned to my qualifications and experience.

Like my friend who suggested I try this, I happily recommend CCC for anyone who has mobility issues, post op or injury recovery.

I take this opportunity to thank Paul David Becca and all the CCC team for the continuous support I have received

Natalie P

I would like to thank Paul and Rose for creating this warm, friendly, welcoming therapeutic environment.
I began attending hydrotherapy sessions as part of my post op rehabilitation in October 2021.
Attending weekly sessions has enabled me to maintain the mobility in my hip joints while awaiting further surgery.
I would highly recommend Continuing Community Care. A fantastic and sociable centre for people with long term conditions and chronic illnesses with knowledgeable and professional staff.
Michelle J

Since coming to the classes, it has helped me enormously, I have been unable to have a bath for many years, as I cannot get in and out, so enjoying the warm water is such a good experience for me. Being able to move more freely and exercise in the water is important for my muscles as they are pretty wasted at the moment. I suffer with arthritis and have a fixed left leg after multiple surgeries, I am in constant pain and take a lot of medication including morphine, (which I hope to stop one day). I would have to rely on even more painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication if I no longer came to the aqua-fit class.

Carolyn H

My mum will not go to the local pool as it is not suitable for her condition. This is her only adventure in a week. Otherwise, she does not venture out of the house.

The sessions have been extremely helpful to her and have served to reduce the pain with her Arthritis and Sciatica.

Hanif S

I have attended Aquafit for some years as I have chronic back pain and some mobility problems. From the start, I noticed considerable benefits from attending the clinic, and have really appreciated that this was available to use. When I have been unable to attend for any reason, I have noticed the difference in my ease of movement, until I could return again.

Jeanette H

Dear Paul and Rose

As discussed briefly after you videoed Mark and myself.

I would like to add further Testimonial;

I am currently struggling to recover from Post Covid Syndrome (Long Covid, old title) after nursing in the NHS for 42 years when I contracted covid over 3 years ago during the beginning of the pandemic. I was left very debilitated suffering issues with breathing, balance, pain, cognition among some of conditions, mental health was low and I was socially isolated.

Continuing Community Care, Paul and Rose have been a Life line to me, words cannot express my gratitude to them. They were there every week, helping me to actually get into the pool (many of us are unable to use public pools), keeping an eye on me, noticing when I wasn’t so well. Cheering us on when we met little goals, interested in us, even our dogs (who they invite to their social events)

They are so cheerful and caring, going the extra mile i.e., walking the more frail of us to our cars, telephoning us when we miss sessions to check we are ok.

Many of us are struggling on our own and at this group we feel ‘normal’, make friends, and are helped to feel of ‘worth’. We discuss our lives whilst exercising and often come up with solutions, advice from our fellow pool users and hope.

They used to run a seated exercise group, working on balance and strength (until room hire became exorbitant) which got me managing to rise from a chair, something which I will be forever grateful for, as I was in my early 50’s at the time and needed this skill to continue Nursing.

Hope this is not too long winded

Once again THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

Caroline, Mark and Benji (our golden retriever).

I love attending hydrotherapy. Paul and team are fantastic. My fellow classmates are also very friendly and supportive. I’ve been attending for 2 months and I can see the difference in the mobility of my knee. I would recommend joining the classes for anyone that wants to get fit and participate in classes that are smaller and targeted for people with arthritis and other conditions. Thank you Paul and team for all the hard work you do. May God bless you all. Ola I

I have rheumatoid, osteoarthritis and segment arthritis in the facet bones in my lumbar spine.

I am also currently still recovering from major back surgery.

I have attended hydrotherapy classes with CCC for many years now and it has been a lifeline for me as it has kept my joints more flexible even on days when my RA has flared and I have felt like the “tin man” when I enter the water and start moving in the class the stiffness eases and when I get out of the pool my joints feel more flexible.

I have found that having hydrotherapy classes has not only helped my physical recovery from back surgery but has helped my mental health which deteriorated badly post-surgery due mainly to the significant pain that I continued to have with no clear direction from my clinician as to when it would ease and why.

Being with other people with chronic illnesses uplifted me and made me feel less isolated with my conditions as we are all supportive of each other. It’s like having talking therapy.

I cannot thank CCC enough for their support and effort in ensuring the exercises meet my needs and those of others.

We are always encouraged to do what we can when we are struggling with our conditions.

Thank you to Paul and his wonderful Team.

Esther BT

Aquafit classes in public swimming pools that are not heated to therapy temperatures are not suitable.

Having attended the Aquafit sessions for several years and found the exercise to be very beneficial in easing my stiffness and pain.

Barbara S

Hi Paul

I have been attending hydrotherapy for the past 6 years

I have found the regular exercise in the pool has prepared me for my bilateral knee replacements operations and aftercare in relation to keeping the muscles strong and help with alleviating stiffness in the joints post op

Paul is very supportive and knowledgeable about all types of Rehabilitation. Furthermore, Paul and his colleague Rose are both kind and caring towards everyone that comes along to the sessions

Linda O

‘I still go to aqua therapy with Continuing Community Care, almost a decade after my first session, because it has been very beneficial for my mobility and my overall wellbeing.

‘The warm water helps sooth my arthritic bones, it helps me stretch my muscles and keeps my joints supple, the variety of music played is a great aid to my exercise and I’ve met some really great people along the way.

‘If you need to gently exercise joints and muscles for short-term injuries or long-term conditions, I have no hesitation in recommending the warm water of aqua therapy, and no hesitation in recommending the services of the Continuing Community Care.’

Audrey T

I first started attending Hydrotherapy in July 2011, after a knee replacement, I attended the 6-weekly hydrotherapy course with the NHS and from there contacted Paul to join the evening classes. I felt confident the hydrotherapy would help with my general exercise routine and mobility, it has.

The classes are carried out in a warm environment and the heated pool is beneficial by relaxing and supporting the muscles and body joints allowing for easier exercise. The friendly social environment is the bonus, everyone is welcome and welcoming, and you can chat if you want to, or just listen!

Many members of the group have benefited from chatting with other members during exercise and realising a lot of us have very similar mobility challenges.

I have recommended hydrotherapy to many friends, family and groups I attend and will continue to do so.

Thank you, Paul, and Rose.

Steve H

I want to keep coming to hydro, because a/it benefits me, b/it is enjoyable, and c/it feels like a safe environment.

Adella P

Aqua-fit helps with my mobility and mental well-being.

Jennifer T

I’ve been coming to aqua fitness with Continuing Community Care for a few months and it’s been a positive experience for me, being autistic I can sometimes find new places and activities extremely hard to access and attend, however everyone at Continuing Community Care has been very helpful and supportive and I have felt at ease and supported to being able to attend aqua aerobics. They’ve been understanding of any specific needs that I have. I also have chronic health conditions and the difference I have noticed in my pain and mobility has improved greatly since starting aqua fitness. The heated pool makes the difference, the warm water while doing guided exercise helps my joints feel better after each session. I feel like I am investing in my future health by attending hydrotherapy and I look forward to coming to each session. Mel